March 2024
By Helene Welsing, Preschool Director
“Honey, you need to go to school (POPPS) to make fudge”
“What?” One dad asked in surprise. Well, not exactly, but March IS the month for our annual F.U.D.G.E. night! FUDGE stands for Fathers, Uncles, Dads, Grandpas, Etc and is our annual night for students and a male guest to visit and explore our classrooms. When we started 20 years ago, we mostly had moms and grandmas doing the drop off, pick up and volunteer duties, but now we have full involvement from all family members! However, FUDGE night is a tradition we hold onto because it is FUN! Our guests dress for mess and paint with their student host at the easel, build masterpieces in the block center, create 3-D sculptures in our art center and become veterinarians, pet owners and adopters in our dramatic play centers as we are knee deep into our Pet Study at the moment. We will also enjoy pizza, a song and fellowship. And maybe some Fudge for dessert.
For more information about Prince of Peace Preschool, please visit, call 201 965-3354, or visit our fb page at Facebook.